PBD Biotech.

transforming control of mycobacterial infections.

PBD Biotech Ltd offers highly sensitive tests for mycobacterial diseases such as Tuberculosis, Bovine Tuberculosis and Johne’s disease.  Through application of their proprietary Actiphage® technology it is uniquely possible to differentiate infected and vaccinated animals.  The company spun out from the University of Nottingham in 2016.

Technology & Products.

Actiphage® provides accurate test results for Mycobacterial diseases within 6 hours from blood or milk samples and is able to detect disease at an early stage by picking up 1 bacterial cell per 50ml of sample fluid.   Targeted bacteriophages are used to infect and lyse Mycobacterial cells with amplification and detection of target DNA through use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction.  Phage only infect viable cells, hence Actiphage® provides a unique way of differentiating between infected and vaccinated animals. The technology is commercially available for diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis, Johne’s disease and other animal mycobacterial diseases.  Proof of concept for detection of Tuberculosis in humans has been demonstrated in an initial clinical study.

The Market.

There is a worldwide demand for effective rapid tests for Mycobacterial diseases, particularly in cattle.  Over 7 million tests for Bovine Tuberculosis are carried out in England alone each year.  Cattle diseases have significant economic impact. The company is now providing kits across Europe and North America and has opened a Canadian subsidiary.   Actiphage® has been approved for exceptional private use in England and Wales.   Development of a test for human Tuberculosis could open a major new market for the company.  Human Tuberculosis infects 10 m people per year worldwide with 1.5m deaths. 

Business Model.

The company provides test kits for sale while also offering an in-house diagnostic service.  The company has established a Canadian subsidiary.

Fundraising to date.

The company has raised around £1m to date and is currently undertaking a £2m round, with a lead investor in place for £1m.


Chairman: Tom Green. A former CEO of a major agribusiness Spearhead international ltd, Tom has been chair of PBD since September 2017.
CEO: Mark Hammond. A proven leader with senior experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, Mark has been CEO since March 2019.
CSO: Dr Cath Rees. Founder of PBD Biotech and co-inventor of the Actiphage® technology. Cath is Associate Professor of Microbiology at the University of Nottingham.
Director of R&D: Dr Ben Swift. Founder of PBD Biotech and co-inventor of the Actiphage® technology.

Contact: Andrew Naylor, CEO, Nottingham Technology Ventures  [email protected]  | www.pbdbio.com 



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